tips distance learning for teenagers

7 Tips for Struggle Teenagers during Distance Learning

Hey everyone, it’s almost been a year since we started distance learning. Today, I will be listing a few tips for teenagers that are struggling during this time of being. So let’s get into it.

If you want to read, then go ahead, but you can also watch the video.

Set your Expectations Early

The first important is to set your expectations early. Take this, for example, you’re struggling in school, your grades dropped, and you aren’t having your luck. Set your expectations. In other words, list your expectations for your future grades or deadlines, for example. And on top of that, of course, try and reach that expectation.

Objectively speaking, it’ll be much better for you to get your things done. And maybe set your future goals, not a must, but worth a try.

Create a Workspace

An intentional workspace can help you focus a lot better during work or school. Specifically out of school, it’ll help you adapt to the place much better. You’ll get used to it and it can somehow prevail upon you to be more productive during a time like this.

A little tip for you, make sure your workspace is quiet and comfortable, that way you can be more productive. 

Stick to a Daily Routine

This is identical to the first one, except we do it on a daily basis. Make a routine of what you will do every week. And make sure there’s something productive to do in there like doing chores or homework, because if there isn’t then what’s the point. And don’t purposely ditch it, that’ll just forge the opposite effect of being productive.

When you stick to a routine, you will know what to do every day. You don’t need to viciously consider the productive things you do that day.

Limit Distractions

Distractions. You watching this might also be a distraction that’s keeping you from doing something productive. This one might be a little complicated to handle alone but that’s fine. By limiting distractions, you have plenty of time in your hands and you can do something productive with it.

How to limit distractions? Well, the most common distractions are electronics, so put them away when you don’t necessarily need them. Maybe you’ll do something productive then.

Be Patient

This pandemic will surely be long so be patient. Is that too much to ask for?

Reward Yourself for your Hard-Work

Rewarding yourself will motivate you to do even more hard-work. And don’t accept pity presents. I’m just joking, you can if you want to, but I personally don’t. But if you feel like rewarding yourself is a lot of work then just give yourself a chill day, eat some ice cream, and maybe give yourself some ounces of respect.

Make some Time for Fun

This is similar to the last one, but the point in this one is to do what you see as fun. For example, talk to your friends, maybe talk to your teachers. And spend some time with your family maybe have a movie night or a game night. It’s up to you, just do some fun activities with them.

So, what are your current struggles with learning remotely? Comment below. 




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